English - Croatian, Croatian - English
This unique, free multilanguage dictionary was created with one purpose – to
provide quick translations from Croatian language to English, German, Italian,
French and Spansih language, and also between the laguauges among themselves.
After you enter the term you wish to translate, as a resoult you will get
translations for all of the above mentioned languages simultaneously! This
unique concept makes this
English - Croatian dictionary different from all the other online
Dictionary currently contains more than 700.000 diferrent terms and translations.
Number of terms increases daily. We are also continously working on improving
the quality of our translations.
Initial language for your search is croatian.
Please enter Croatian word (or phrase) and click "search":
If you are not shure which is the exact form of the word, you
can enter sign % at the beginning, at the end, or at both sides of the wanted
word. By doing that, you are increasing the total number of search results you
are going to recive.